.. Contributing Source Code and Documentation .. _contributing: ソースコードとドキュメンテーションの寄稿 ========================================== .. For substantive contributions to its major projects, The Pylons Project .. requires the following of its contributors: 主要なプロジェクトへの実質的な貢献について、 Pylons プロジェクトでは 以下のことを貢献者に要求します: .. - An assignment of half-ownership of submitted code or documentation for .. substantive contributions to its official projects. We require the .. assignment because we're interested in, eventually, giving the copyright to .. the code to a foundation. Obtaining half-ownership of the code makes it .. possible for us to do this credibly without chasing people for permission .. to do so when that time comes. - その公式プロジェクトに対する実質的な貢献のために提供されたコードまたは ドキュメンテーションの半所有権 (half-ownership) の譲渡。私たちは いずれコードの著作権を財団法人に与えることを考えているので、譲渡を 要求しています。コードの半所有権を得ることで、その時が来た場合に 私たちが許可を得るために人々を探しまわることなく確実にこれを行える ようにします。 .. - Assurance that the contributor will not check in incompatibly-licensed .. code. - 貢献者が相容れないライセンスのコードをチェックインしないという保証。 .. - Assurance that the contributor will not allow his submission credentials to .. be used by a third party who may not agree to the constraints of a .. contribution agreement. - 貢献者が、 contribution agreement (貢献同意書) の制約に同意していない 第三者によって彼の submission credentials (提出信任状) が使用されることを 認めないという保証。 .. - Assurance that the submitted code does not infringe upon or violate the .. rights of a third party. - 提出されたコードが第三者の権利を侵害 (infringe upon or violate) しないという保証。 .. - Assurance that the contributor understands any licensing exceptions local .. to the repository he is contributing to. - 貢献者が、自分が貢献しているリポジトリに対してローカルなライセンス 例外をすべて理解しているという保証。 .. "Signing" a contribution agreement is simple: just add your name and a date .. to the bottom of a "CONTRIBUTORS.txt" file found in the root of the Pylons .. project you'd like to contribute to. Optimally, this will be done when you .. submit code through GitHub (whether via a pull request from a separate .. repository fork, or by direct push if you have push access to the canonical .. project repository). Your intent to abide by the contributor agreement is .. signified by your commit to the "CONTRIBUTORS.txt" file with your name and a .. date. 貢献同意書への「署名」は単純です: あなたが貢献したい Pylons プロジェクト のルートにある "CONTRIBUTORS.txt" ファイルの最後に名前と日付を加えるだけです。 最も適切なのは、 GitHub でコードを提出する時にこれを行うことです (個別の リポジトリフォークからの pull リクエストによって、あるいは正統なプロジェクト リポジトリへの push アクセスを持っていれば直接の push によっても)。 貢献者同意書を遵守するというあなたの意思は、あなたの名前と日付を含む "CONTRIBUTORS.txt" ファイルへのコミットによって示されます。 .. Examples of "substantive" contributions: 「実質的な」貢献の例: .. - Submitting a new feature for review. .. - Submitting artwork. .. - Submitting a new chapter to documentation. - レビューのために新機能を投稿する。 - アートワークを提供する。 - ドキュメントに新たな章を追加する。 .. For bugfixes and other minor contributions, signing the contributor file is .. usually not required. However, the reviewer of a particular submission is .. the arbiter of whether that submission requires the signing of the .. contributors file. バグ修正その他の小さな貢献については、貢献者ファイルへの署名は通常必要 ありません。しかし、特定の投稿のレビュアーは、その投稿が寄与者ファイル への署名を必要とするかの判断をします。 .. A sample of the current contributor agreement is reproduced in full below. 以下に、現在の貢献者同意書のサンプルの全文を掲載します。 .. code-block:: rst Pylons Project Contributor Agreement ==================================== The submitter agrees by adding his or her name within the section below named "Contributors" and submitting the resulting modified document to the canonical shared repository location for this software project (whether directly, as a user with "direct commit access", or via a "pull request"), he or she is signing a contract electronically. The submitter becomes a Contributor after a) he or she signs this document by adding their name beneath the "Contributors" section below, and b) the resulting document is accepted into the canonical version control repository. Treatment of Account --------------------- Contributor will not allow anyone other than the Contributor to use his or her username or source repository login to submit code to a Pylons Project source repository. Should Contributor become aware of any such use, Contributor will immediately by notifying Agendaless Consulting. Notification must be performed by sending an email to webmaster@agendaless.com. Until such notice is received, Contributor will be presumed to have taken all actions made through Contributor's account. If the Contributor has direct commit access, Agendaless Consulting will have complete control and discretion over capabilities assigned to Contributor's account, and may disable Contributor's account for any reason at any time. Legal Effect of Contribution ---------------------------- Upon submitting a change or new work to a Pylons Project source Repository (a "Contribution"), you agree to assign, and hereby do assign, a one-half interest of all right, title and interest in and to copyright and other intellectual property rights with respect to your new and original portions of the Contribution to Agendaless Consulting. You and Agendaless Consulting each agree that the other shall be free to exercise any and all exclusive rights in and to the Contribution, without accounting to one another, including without limitation, the right to license the Contribution to others under the Repoze Public License. This agreement shall run with title to the Contribution. Agendaless Consulting does not convey to you any right, title or interest in or to the Program or such portions of the Contribution that were taken from the Program. Your transmission of a submission to the Pylons Project source Repository and marks of identification concerning the Contribution itself constitute your intent to contribute and your assignment of the work in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. License Terms ------------- Code committed to the Pylons Project source repository (Committed Code) must be governed by the Repoze Public License (http://repoze.org/LICENSE.txt, aka "the RPL") or another license acceptable to Agendaless Consulting. Until Agendaless Consulting declares in writing an acceptable license other than the RPL, only the RPL shall be used. A list of exceptions is detailed within the "Licensing Exceptions" section of this document, if one exists. Representations, Warranty, and Indemnification ---------------------------------------------- Contributor represents and warrants that the Committed Code does not violate the rights of any person or entity, and that the Contributor has legal authority to enter into this Agreement and legal authority over Contributed Code. Further, Contributor indemnifies Agendaless Consulting against violations. Cryptography ------------ Contributor understands that cryptographic code may be subject to government regulations with which Agendaless Consulting and/or entities using Committed Code must comply. Any code which contains any of the items listed below must not be checked-in until Agendaless Consulting staff has been notified and has approved such contribution in writing. - Cryptographic capabilities or features - Calls to cryptographic features - User interface elements which provide context relating to cryptography - Code which may, under casual inspection, appear to be cryptographic. Notices ------- Contributor confirms that any notices required will be included in any Committed Code. Licensing Exceptions ==================== None List of Contributors ==================== The below-signed are contributors to a code repository that is part of the project named "XXX". Each below-signed contributor has read, understand and agrees to the terms above in the section within this document entitled "Pylons Project Contributor Agreement" as of the date beside his or her name. Contributors ------------ - Wile E. Coyote, 2010/11/08