.. _glossary: Glossary ======== .. glossary:: :sorted: renderer A callable with the signature ``(template_name, **kw)`` which is capable of rendering a template for use in a deform widget. cstruct Data serialized by :term:`Colander` to a representation suitable for consumption by the ``serialize`` method of a :mod:`deform` widget, usually while a form is being rendered. pstruct Data deserialized by :term:`Peppercorn` from one or more form controls to a representation suitable for consumption by the ``deserialize`` method of a :mod:`deform` widget, usually while a form is being submitted. appstruct A raw application data structure (complex Python objects). Colander A `schema package `_ used by Deform to provide serialization and validation facilities. Peppercorn A `package `_ used by Deform for strutured form submission value deserialization. schema A nested collection of :term:`schema node` objects representing an arrangement of data. schema node A schema node can serialize an :term:`appstruct` to a :term:`cstruct` and deserialize a :term:`cstruct` to an :term:`appstruct` (object derived from :class:`colander.SchemaNode` or one of the colander Schema classes). Schemas are a concept used by Deform, but actually implemented and offered by the :term:`Colander` package. widget Serializes a :term:`cstruct` into a form rendering and deserializes a :term:`pstruct` into a :term:`cstruct`. form controls A sequence of browser renderings of user interface elements. These are also known as "fields" as per the the `RFC 2388 `_ definition of "field", however Deform uses the term :term:`field` for another concept, so we call them controls within the Deform documentation. Chameleon `chameleon `_ is an attribute language template compiler which supports the ZPT (Zope Page Templates) templating specification. It is written and maintained by Malthe Borch. field An object in the graph generated by :mod:`deform` that has access to a :term:`schema` node object and a :term:`widget` object. The scope of a field object is generally limited to the scope of a single HTTP request, so field objects are often used to maintain state information during the request. renderer A function which accepts a logical template name and a set of keywords, and which returns the rendering of a widget template. default renderer The template :term:`renderer` used when no other renderer is specified. It uses the :term:`Chameleon` templating engine. WebOb `WebOb `_ is a WSGI request/response library created by Ian Bicking. Gettext The GNU `gettext `_ library, used by the :mod:`deform` translation machinery. jquery.maskedinput A JQuery plugin library that allows for input masks in text inputs. For example, a mask for a US telephone number might be ``(999)-999-9999``. See also `http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/ `_. Deform supports input masks in its default :class:`deform.widget.TextInputWidget` widget. validator A :term:`Colander` validator callable. Accepts a ``node`` object and a ``value`` and either raises an :exc:`colander.Invalid` exception or returns ``None``. Used in deform as the ``validator=`` argument to a schema node, ensuring that the input meets the requirements of the schema. TinyMCE Editor `TinyMCE `_ is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under `LGPL `_ by `Moxiecode Systems AB `_. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems. jquery.autocomplete A :term:`jQuery` plugin library that allows for autocompleting a value in a text input, making it easier to find and select a value from a possibly large list. The data may be local or remote. See also `http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Autocomplete `_ for more details. xhr ``xhr`` an XMLHTTPRequest. See also `http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/ `_. JSON ``JSON`` (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. See also `http://www.json.org/ `_. jQuery `jQuery `_ is a JavaScript library for making client side changes to HTML. Resource registry An attribute of a Deform form which maps :term:`widget requirement` declarations made by widgets to relative file paths. Useful to obtain all the CSS and/or Javascript resources required by all the widgets in a concrete form rendering. See also :ref:`get_widget_resources`. Widget requirement A sequence of tuples attached to a widget object representing the *logical* Javascript and/or CSS requirements of the widget. See also :ref:`specifying_widget_requirements`. Sequence A widget which allows you to add multiple subwidgets, each of the same type. JQuery UI A library used by Deform for various widget theming, effects and functionality: See `http://jqueryui.com/ `_. jquery.ui.autocomplete A :term:`JQuery UI` sublibrary for autocompletion of text fields. See `http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Autocomplete `_.