.. _installing_chapter: Installing :app:`Pyramid` ============================ .. index:: single: install preparation Before You Install ------------------ You will need `Python `_ version 2.6 or better to run :app:`Pyramid`. .. sidebar:: Python Versions As of this writing, :app:`Pyramid` has been tested under Python 2.6.6, Python 2.7.2, and Python 3.2. :app:`Pyramid` does not run under any version of Python before 2.6. :app:`Pyramid` is known to run on all popular UNIX-like systems such as Linux, MacOS X, and FreeBSD as well as on Windows platforms. It is also known to run on :term:`PyPy` (1.6+). :app:`Pyramid` installation does not require the compilation of any C code, so you need only a Python interpreter that meets the requirements mentioned. If You Don't Yet Have A Python Interpreter (UNIX) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your system doesn't have a Python interpreter, and you're on UNIX, you can either install Python using your operating system's package manager *or* you can install Python from source fairly easily on any UNIX system that has development tools. .. index:: pair: install; Python (from package, UNIX) Package Manager Method ++++++++++++++++++++++ You can use your system's "package manager" to install Python. Every system's package manager is slightly different, but the "flavor" of them is usually the same. For example, on an Ubuntu Linux system, to use the system package manager to install a Python 2.6 interpreter, use the following command: .. code-block:: text $ sudo apt-get install python2.6-dev Once these steps are performed, the Python interpreter will usually be invokable via ``python2.6`` from a shell prompt. .. index:: pair: install; Python (from source, UNIX) Source Compile Method +++++++++++++++++++++ It's useful to use a Python interpreter that *isn't* the "system" Python interpreter to develop your software. The authors of :app:`Pyramid` tend not to use the system Python for development purposes; always a self-compiled one. Compiling Python is usually easy, and often the "system" Python is compiled with options that aren't optimal for web development. To compile software on your UNIX system, typically you need development tools. Often these can be installed via the package manager. For example, this works to do so on an Ubuntu Linux system: .. code-block:: text $ sudo apt-get install build-essential On Mac OS X, installing `XCode `_ has much the same effect. Once you've got development tools installed on your system, you can install a Python 2.6 interpreter from *source*, on the same system, using the following commands: .. code-block:: text [chrism@vitaminf ~]$ cd ~ [chrism@vitaminf ~]$ mkdir tmp [chrism@vitaminf ~]$ mkdir opt [chrism@vitaminf ~]$ cd tmp [chrism@vitaminf tmp]$ wget \ http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.4/Python-2.6.4.tgz [chrism@vitaminf tmp]$ tar xvzf Python-2.6.4.tgz [chrism@vitaminf tmp]$ cd Python-2.6.4 [chrism@vitaminf Python-2.6.4]$ ./configure \ --prefix=$HOME/opt/Python-2.6.4 [chrism@vitaminf Python-2.6.4]$ make; make install Once these steps are performed, the Python interpreter will be invokable via ``$HOME/opt/Python-2.6.4/bin/python`` from a shell prompt. .. index:: pair: install; Python (from package, Windows) If You Don't Yet Have A Python Interpreter (Windows) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your Windows system doesn't have a Python interpreter, you'll need to install it by downloading a Python 2.6-series interpreter executable from `python.org's download section `_ (the files labeled "Windows Installer"). Once you've downloaded it, double click on the executable and accept the defaults during the installation process. You may also need to download and install the `Python for Windows extensions `_. .. warning:: After you install Python on Windows, you may need to add the ``C:\Python26`` directory to your environment's ``Path`` in order to make it possible to invoke Python from a command prompt by typing ``python``. To do so, right click ``My Computer``, select ``Properties`` --> ``Advanced Tab`` --> ``Environment Variables`` and add that directory to the end of the ``Path`` environment variable. .. index:: single: installing on UNIX .. _installing_unix: Installing :app:`Pyramid` on a UNIX System --------------------------------------------- It is best practice to install :app:`Pyramid` into a "virtual" Python environment in order to obtain isolation from any "system" packages you've got installed in your Python version. This can be done by using the :term:`virtualenv` package. Using a virtualenv will also prevent :app:`Pyramid` from globally installing versions of packages that are not compatible with your system Python. To set up a virtualenv in which to install :app:`Pyramid`, first ensure that :term:`setuptools` is installed. Invoke ``import setuptools`` within the Python interpreter you'd like to run :app:`Pyramid` under: .. code-block:: text [chrism@vitaminf pyramid]$ python Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 29 2010, 00:31:32) [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import setuptools If running ``import setuptools`` does not raise an ``ImportError``, it means that setuptools is already installed into your Python interpreter. If ``import setuptools`` fails, you will need to install setuptools manually. Note that above we're using a Python 2.6-series interpreter on Mac OS X; your output may differ if you're using a later Python version or a different platform. If you are using a "system" Python (one installed by your OS distributor or a 3rd-party packager such as Fink or MacPorts), you can usually install the setuptools package by using your system's package manager. If you cannot do this, or if you're using a self-installed version of Python, you will need to install setuptools "by hand". Installing setuptools "by hand" is always a reasonable thing to do, even if your package manager already has a pre-chewed version of setuptools for installation. To install setuptools by hand, first download `ez_setup.py `_ then invoke it using the Python interpreter into which you want to install setuptools. .. code-block:: text $ python ez_setup.py Once this command is invoked, setuptools should be installed on your system. If the command fails due to permission errors, you may need to be the administrative user on your system to successfully invoke the script. To remediate this, you may need to do: .. code-block:: text $ sudo python ez_setup.py .. index:: pair: install; virtualenv Installing the ``virtualenv`` Package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you've got setuptools installed, you should install the :term:`virtualenv` package. To install the :term:`virtualenv` package into your setuptools-enabled Python interpreter, use the ``easy_install`` command. .. code-block:: text $ easy_install virtualenv This command should succeed, and tell you that the virtualenv package is now installed. If it fails due to permission errors, you may need to install it as your system's administrative user. For example: .. code-block:: text $ sudo easy_install virtualenv .. index:: single: virtualenv pair: Python; virtual environment Creating the Virtual Python Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the :term:`virtualenv` package is installed in your Python, you can then create a virtual environment. To do so, invoke the following: .. code-block:: text $ virtualenv --no-site-packages env New python executable in env/bin/python Installing setuptools.............done. .. warning:: Using ``--no-site-packages`` when generating your virtualenv is *very important*. This flag provides the necessary isolation for running the set of packages required by :app:`Pyramid`. If you do not specify ``--no-site-packages``, it's possible that :app:`Pyramid` will not install properly into the virtualenv, or, even if it does, may not run properly, depending on the packages you've already got installed into your Python's "main" site-packages dir. .. warning:: *do not* use ``sudo`` to run the ``virtualenv`` script. It's perfectly acceptable (and desirable) to create a virtualenv as a normal user. You should perform any following commands that mention a "bin" directory from within the ``env`` virtualenv dir. Installing :app:`Pyramid` Into the Virtual Python Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you've got your ``env`` virtualenv installed, you may install :app:`Pyramid` itself using the following commands from within the virtualenv (``env``) directory you created in the last step. .. code-block:: text $ cd env $ bin/easy_install pyramid The ``easy_install`` command will take longer than the previous ones to complete, as it downloads and installs a number of dependencies. .. index:: single: installing on Windows .. _installing_windows: Installing :app:`Pyramid` on a Windows System ------------------------------------------------- #. Install, or find `Python 2.6 `_ for your system. #. Install the `Python for Windows extensions `_. Make sure to pick the right download for Python 2.6 and install it using the same Python installation from the previous step. #. Install latest :term:`setuptools` distribution into the Python you obtained/installed/found in the step above: download `ez_setup.py `_ and run it using the ``python`` interpreter of your Python 2.6 installation using a command prompt: .. code-block:: text c:\> c:\Python26\python ez_setup.py #. Use that Python's `bin/easy_install` to install `virtualenv`: .. code-block:: text c:\> c:\Python26\Scripts\easy_install virtualenv #. Use that Python's virtualenv to make a workspace: .. code-block:: text c:\> c:\Python26\Scripts\virtualenv --no-site-packages env #. Switch to the ``env`` directory: .. code-block:: text c:\> cd env #. (Optional) Consider using ``Scripts\activate.bat`` to make your shell environment wired to use the virtualenv. #. Use ``easy_install`` pointed at the "current" index to get :app:`Pyramid` and its direct dependencies installed: .. code-block:: text c:\env> Scripts\easy_install pyramid What Gets Installed ------------------- When you ``easy_install`` :app:`Pyramid`, various other libraries such as WebOb, PasteDeploy, and others are installed. Additionally, as chronicled in :ref:`project_narr`, scaffolds will be registered, which make it easy to start a new :app:`Pyramid` project.