============== Defining Views ============== A :term:`view callable` in a :term:`traversal` -based :app:`Pyramid` application is typically a simple Python function that accepts two parameters: :term:`context` and :term:`request`. A view callable is assumed to return a :term:`response` object. .. note:: A :app:`Pyramid` view can also be defined as callable which accepts *only* a :term:`request` argument. You'll see this one-argument pattern used in other :app:`Pyramid` tutorials and applications. Either calling convention will work in any :app:`Pyramid` application; the calling conventions can be used interchangeably as necessary. In :term:`traversal` based applications, URLs are mapped to a context :term:`resource`, and since our :term:`resource tree` also represents our application's "domain model", we're often interested in the context, because it represents the persistent storage of our application. For this reason, in this tutorial we define views as callables that accept ``context`` in the callable argument list. If you do need the ``context`` within a view function that only takes the request as a single argument, you can obtain it via ``request.context``. We're going to define several :term:`view callable` functions, then wire them into :app:`Pyramid` using some :term:`view configuration`. The source code for this tutorial stage can be browsed via `http://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/tree/1.3-branch/docs/tutorials/wiki/src/views/ `_. Declaring Dependencies in Our ``setup.py`` File =============================================== The view code in our application will depend on a package which is not a dependency of the original "tutorial" application. The original "tutorial" application was generated by the ``pcreate`` command; it doesn't know about our custom application requirements. We need to add a dependency on the ``docutils`` package to our ``tutorial`` package's ``setup.py`` file by assigning this dependency to the ``install_requires`` parameter in the ``setup`` function. Our resulting ``setup.py`` should look like so: .. literalinclude:: src/views/setup.py :linenos: :language: python .. note:: After these new dependencies are added, you will need to rerun ``python setup.py develop`` inside the root of the ``tutorial`` package to obtain and register the newly added dependency package. Adding View Functions ===================== We're going to add four :term:`view callable` functions to our ``views.py`` module. One view named ``view_wiki`` will display the wiki itself (it will answer on the root URL), another named ``view_page`` will display an individual page, another named ``add_page`` will allow a page to be added, and a final view named ``edit_page`` will allow a page to be edited. .. note:: There is nothing special about the filename ``views.py``. A project may have many view callables throughout its codebase in arbitrarily-named files. Files implementing view callables often have ``view`` in their filenames (or may live in a Python subpackage of your application package named ``views``), but this is only by convention. The ``view_wiki`` view function ------------------------------- The ``view_wiki`` function will be configured to respond as the default view callable for a Wiki resource. We'll provide it with a ``@view_config`` decorator which names the class ``tutorial.models.Wiki`` as its context. This means that when a Wiki resource is the context, and no :term:`view name` exists in the request, this view will be used. The view configuration associated with ``view_wiki`` does not use a ``renderer`` because the view callable always returns a :term:`response` object rather than a dictionary. No renderer is necessary when a view returns a response object. The ``view_wiki`` view callable always redirects to the URL of a Page resource named "FrontPage". To do so, it returns an instance of the :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound` class (instances of which implement the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` interface like :class:`pyramid.response.Response` does). The :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.resource_url` API. :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.resource_url` constructs a URL to the ``FrontPage`` page resource (e.g. ``http://localhost:6543/FrontPage``), and uses it as the "location" of the HTTPFound response, forming an HTTP redirect. The ``view_page`` view function ------------------------------- The ``view_page`` function will be configured to respond as the default view of a Page resource. We'll provide it with a ``@view_config`` decorator which names the class ``tutorial.models.Page`` as its context. This means that when a Page resource is the context, and no :term:`view name` exists in the request, this view will be used. We inform :app:`Pyramid` this view will use the ``templates/view.pt`` template file as a ``renderer``. The ``view_page`` function generates the :term:`ReStructuredText` body of a page (stored as the ``data`` attribute of the context passed to the view; the context will be a Page resource) as HTML. Then it substitutes an HTML anchor for each *WikiWord* reference in the rendered HTML using a compiled regular expression. The curried function named ``check`` is used as the first argument to ``wikiwords.sub``, indicating that it should be called to provide a value for each WikiWord match found in the content. If the wiki (our page's ``__parent__``) already contains a page with the matched WikiWord name, the ``check`` function generates a view link to be used as the substitution value and returns it. If the wiki does not already contain a page with with the matched WikiWord name, the function generates an "add" link as the substitution value and returns it. As a result, the ``content`` variable is now a fully formed bit of HTML containing various view and add links for WikiWords based on the content of our current page resource. We then generate an edit URL (because it's easier to do here than in the template), and we wrap up a number of arguments in a dictionary and return it. The arguments we wrap into a dictionary include ``page``, ``content``, and ``edit_url``. As a result, the *template* associated with this view callable (via ``renderer=`` in its configuration) will be able to use these names to perform various rendering tasks. The template associated with this view callable will be a template which lives in ``templates/view.pt``. Note the contrast between this view callable and the ``view_wiki`` view callable. In the ``view_wiki`` view callable, we unconditionally return a :term:`response` object. In the ``view_page`` view callable, we return a *dictionary*. It is *always* fine to return a :term:`response` object from a :app:`Pyramid` view. Returning a dictionary is allowed only when there is a :term:`renderer` associated with the view callable in the view configuration. The ``add_page`` view function ------------------------------ The ``add_page`` function will be configured to respond when the context resource is a Wiki and the :term:`view name` is ``add_page``. We'll provide it with a ``@view_config`` decorator which names the string ``add_page`` as its :term:`view name` (via name=), the class ``tutorial.models.Wiki`` as its context, and the renderer named ``templates/edit.pt``. This means that when a Wiki resource is the context, and a :term:`view name` named ``add_page`` exists as the result of traversal, this view will be used. We inform :app:`Pyramid` this view will use the ``templates/edit.pt`` template file as a ``renderer``. We share the same template between add and edit views, thus ``edit.pt`` instead of ``add.pt``. The ``add_page`` function will be invoked when a user clicks on a WikiWord which isn't yet represented as a page in the system. The ``check`` function within the ``view_page`` view generates URLs to this view. It also acts as a handler for the form that is generated when we want to add a page resource. The ``context`` of the ``add_page`` view is always a Wiki resource (*not* a Page resource). The request :term:`subpath` in :app:`Pyramid` is the sequence of names that are found *after* the :term:`view name` in the URL segments given in the ``PATH_INFO`` of the WSGI request as the result of :term:`traversal`. If our add view is invoked via, e.g. ``http://localhost:6543/add_page/SomeName``, the :term:`subpath` will be a tuple: ``('SomeName',)``. The add view takes the zeroth element of the subpath (the wiki page name), and aliases it to the name attribute in order to know the name of the page we're trying to add. If the view rendering is *not* a result of a form submission (if the expression ``'form.submitted' in request.params`` is ``False``), the view renders a template. To do so, it generates a "save url" which the template use as the form post URL during rendering. We're lazy here, so we're trying to use the same template (``templates/edit.pt``) for the add view as well as the page edit view. To do so, we create a dummy Page resource object in order to satisfy the edit form's desire to have *some* page object exposed as ``page``, and we'll render the template to a response. If the view rendering *is* a result of a form submission (if the expression ``'form.submitted' in request.params`` is ``True``), we scrape the page body from the form data, create a Page object using the name in the subpath and the page body, and save it into "our context" (the Wiki) using the ``__setitem__`` method of the context. We then redirect back to the ``view_page`` view (the default view for a page) for the newly created page. The ``edit_page`` view function ------------------------------- The ``edit_page`` function will be configured to respond when the context is a Page resource and the :term:`view name` is ``edit_page``. We'll provide it with a ``@view_config`` decorator which names the string ``edit_page`` as its :term:`view name` (via ``name=``), the class ``tutorial.models.Page`` as its context, and the renderer named ``templates/edit.pt``. This means that when a Page resource is the context, and a :term:`view name` exists as the result of traversal named ``edit_page``, this view will be used. We inform :app:`Pyramid` this view will use the ``templates/edit.pt`` template file as a ``renderer``. The ``edit_page`` function will be invoked when a user clicks the "Edit this Page" button on the view form. It renders an edit form but it also acts as the form post view callable for the form it renders. The ``context`` of the ``edit_page`` view will *always* be a Page resource (never a Wiki resource). If the view execution is *not* a result of a form submission (if the expression ``'form.submitted' in request.params`` is ``False``), the view simply renders the edit form, passing the page resource, and a ``save_url`` which will be used as the action of the generated form. If the view execution *is* a result of a form submission (if the expression ``'form.submitted' in request.params`` is ``True``), the view grabs the ``body`` element of the request parameter and sets it as the ``data`` attribute of the page context. It then redirects to the default view of the context (the page), which will always be the ``view_page`` view. Viewing the Result of all Our Edits to ``views.py`` =================================================== The result of all of our edits to ``views.py`` will leave it looking like this: .. literalinclude:: src/views/tutorial/views.py :linenos: :language: python Adding Templates ================ Most view callables we've added expected to be rendered via a :term:`template`. The default templating systems in :app:`Pyramid` are :term:`Chameleon` and :term:`Mako`. Chameleon is a variant of :term:`ZPT`, which is an XML-based templating language. Mako is a non-XML-based templating language. Because we had to pick one, we chose Chameleon for this tutorial. The templates we create will live in the ``templates`` directory of our tutorial package. Chameleon templates must have a ``.pt`` extension to be recognized as such. The ``view.pt`` Template ------------------------ The ``view.pt`` template is used for viewing a single Page. It is used by the ``view_page`` view function. It should have a div that is "structure replaced" with the ``content`` value provided by the view. It should also have a link on the rendered page that points at the "edit" URL (the URL which invokes the ``edit_page`` view for the page being viewed). Once we're done with the ``view.pt`` template, it will look a lot like the below: .. literalinclude:: src/views/tutorial/templates/view.pt :language: xml .. note:: The names available for our use in a template are always those that are present in the dictionary returned by the view callable. But our templates make use of a ``request`` object that none of our tutorial views return in their dictionary. This value appears as if "by magic". However, ``request`` is one of several names that are available "by default" in a template when a template renderer is used. See :ref:`chameleon_template_renderers` for more information about other names that are available by default in a template when a template is used as a renderer. The ``edit.pt`` Template ------------------------ The ``edit.pt`` template is used for adding and editing a Page. It is used by the ``add_page`` and ``edit_page`` view functions. It should display a page containing a form that POSTs back to the "save_url" argument supplied by the view. The form should have a "body" textarea field (the page data), and a submit button that has the name "form.submitted". The textarea in the form should be filled with any existing page data when it is rendered. Once we're done with the ``edit.pt`` template, it will look a lot like the below: .. literalinclude:: src/views/tutorial/templates/edit.pt :language: xml Static Assets ------------- Our templates name a single static asset named ``pylons.css``. We don't need to create this file within our package's ``static`` directory because it was provided at the time we created the project. This file is a little too long to replicate within the body of this guide, however it is available `online `_. This CSS file will be accessed via e.g. ``/static/pylons.css`` by virtue of the call to ``add_static_view`` directive we've made in the ``__init__.py`` file. Any number and type of static assets can be placed in this directory (or subdirectories) and are just referred to by URL. Viewing the Application in a Browser ==================================== We can finally examine our application in a browser (See :ref:`wiki-start-the-application`). The views we'll try are as follows: - Visiting ``http://localhost:6543/`` in a browser invokes the ``view_wiki`` view. This always redirects to the ``view_page`` view of the ``FrontPage`` Page resource. - Visiting ``http://localhost:6543/FrontPage/`` in a browser invokes the ``view_page`` view of the front page resource. This is because it's the *default view* (a view without a ``name``) for Page resources. - Visiting ``http://localhost:6543/FrontPage/edit_page`` in a browser invokes the edit view for the ``FrontPage`` Page resource. - Visiting ``http://localhost:6543/add_page/SomePageName`` in a browser invokes the add view for a Page. - To generate an error, visit ``http://localhost:6543/add_page`` which will generate an ``IndexError`` for the expression ``request.subpath[0]``. You'll see an interactive traceback facility provided by :term:`pyramid_debugtoolbar`.