============ Adding Tests ============ We will now add tests for the models and the views and a few functional tests in the ``tests.py``. Tests ensure that an application works, and that it continues to work after some changes are made in the future. The source code for this tutorial stage can be browsed via `http://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/tree/1.3-branch/docs/tutorials/wiki/src/tests/ `_. Test the Models =============== We write tests for the model classes and the appmaker. Changing ``tests.py``, we'll write a separate test class for each model class, and we'll write a test class for the ``appmaker``. To do so, we'll retain the ``tutorial.tests.ViewTests`` class provided as a result of the ``zodb`` project generator. We'll add three test classes: one for the ``Page`` model named ``PageModelTests``, one for the ``Wiki`` model named ``WikiModelTests``, and one for the appmaker named ``AppmakerTests``. Test the Views ============== We'll modify our ``tests.py`` file, adding tests for each view function we added above. As a result, we'll *delete* the ``ViewTests`` test in the file, and add four other test classes: ``ViewWikiTests``, ``ViewPageTests``, ``AddPageTests``, and ``EditPageTests``. These test the ``view_wiki``, ``view_page``, ``add_page``, and ``edit_page`` views respectively. Functional tests ================ We test the whole application, covering security aspects that are not tested in the unit tests, like logging in, logging out, checking that the ``viewer`` user cannot add or edit pages, but the ``editor`` user can, and so on. View the results of all our edits to ``tests.py`` ================================================= Once we're done with the ``tests.py`` module, it will look a lot like the below: .. literalinclude:: src/tests/tutorial/tests.py :linenos: :language: python Run the Tests ============= We can run these tests by using ``setup.py test`` in the same way we did in :ref:`running_tests`. However, first we must edit our ``setup.py`` to include a dependency on WebTest, which we've used in our ``tests.py``. Change the ``requires`` list in ``setup.py`` to include ``WebTest``. .. literalinclude:: src/tests/setup.py :linenos: :language: python :lines: 9-18 After we've added a dependency on WebTest in ``setup.py``, we need to rerun ``setup.py develop`` to get WebTest installed into our virtualenv. Assuming our shell's current working directory is the "tutorial" distribution directory: On UNIX: .. code-block:: text $ ../bin/python setup.py develop On Windows: .. code-block:: text c:\pyramidtut\tutorial> ..\Scripts\python setup.py develop Once that command has completed successfully, we can run the tests themselves: On UNIX: .. code-block:: text $ ../bin/python setup.py test -q On Windows: .. code-block:: text c:\pyramidtut\tutorial> ..\Scripts\python setup.py test -q The expected result looks something like: .. code-block:: text ......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 23 tests in 1.653s OK