What's New In Pyramid 1.0 ========================= This article explains the new features in Pyramid version 1.0 as compared to its predecessor, :mod:`repoze.bfg` 1.3. It also documents backwards incompatibilities between the two versions and deprecations added to Pyramid 1.0, as well as software dependency changes and notable documentation additions. Major Feature Additions ----------------------- The major feature additions in Pyramid 1.0 are: - New name and branding association with the Pylons Project. - BFG conversion script - Scaffold improvements - Terminology changes - Better platform compatibility and support - Direct built-in support for the Mako templating language. - Built-in support for sessions. - Updated URL dispatch features - Better imperative extensibility - ZCML externalized - Better support for global template variables during rendering - View mappers - Testing system improvements - Authentication support improvements - Documentation improvements New Name and Branding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The name of ``repoze.bfg`` has been changed to Pyramid. The project is also now a subproject of a new entity, "The Pylons Project". The Pylons Project is the project name for a collection of web-framework-related technologies. Pyramid was the first package in the Pylons Project. Other packages to the collection have been added over time, such as support packages useful for Pylons 1 users as well as ex-Zope users. Pyramid is the successor to both :mod:`repoze.bfg` and :term:`Pylons` version 1. The Pyramid codebase is derived almost entirely from :mod:`repoze.bfg` with some changes made for the sake of Pylons 1 compatibility. Pyramid is technically backwards incompatible with :mod:`repoze.bfg`, as it has a new package name, so older imports from the ``repoze.bfg`` module will fail if you do nothing to your existing :mod:`repoze.bfg` application. However, you won't have to do much to use your existing BFG applications on Pyramid. There's automation which will change most of your import statements and ZCML declarations. See http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/current/tutorials/bfg/index.html for upgrade instructions. Pylons 1 users will need to do more work to use Pyramid, as Pyramid shares no "DNA" with Pylons. It is hoped that over time documentation and upgrade code will be developed to help Pylons 1 users transition to Pyramid more easily. :mod:`repoze.bfg` version 1.3 will be its last major release. Minor updates will be made for critical bug fixes. Pylons version 1 will continue to see maintenance releases, as well. The Repoze project will continue to exist. Repoze will be able to regain its original focus: bringing Zope technologies to WSGI. The popularity of :mod:`repoze.bfg` as its own web framework hindered this goal. We hope that people are attracted at first by the spirit of cooperation demonstrated by the Pylons Project and the merging of development communities. It takes humility to sacrifice a little sovereignty and work together. The opposite, forking or splintering of projects, is much more common in the open source world. We feel there is a limited amount of oxygen in the space of "top-tier" Python web frameworks and we don’t do the Python community a service by over-crowding. By merging the :mod:`repoze.bfg` and the philosophically-similar Pylons communities, both gain an expanded audience and a stronger chance of future success. BFG Conversion Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``bfg2pyramid`` conversion script performs a mostly automated conversion of an existing :mod:`repoze.bfg` application to Pyramid. The process is described in :ref:`converting_a_bfg_app`. Scaffold Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The scaffolds now have much nicer CSS and graphics. - The ``development.ini``, generated by all scaffolds, is now configured to use the WebError interactive exception debugger by default. - All scaffolds have been normalized: each now uses the name ``main`` to represent the function that returns a WSGI application, and each now has roughly the same shape of development.ini style. - All preexisting scaffolds now use "imperative" configuration (``starter``, ``routesalchemy``, ``alchemy``, ``zodb``) instead of ZCML configuration. - The ``pyramid_zodb``, ``routesalchemy`` and ``pyramid_alchemy`` scaffolds now use a default "commit veto" hook when configuring the ``repoze.tm2`` transaction manager in ``development.ini``. This prevents a transaction from being committed when the response status code is within the 400 or 500 ranges. See also http://docs.repoze.org/tm2/#using-a-commit-veto. Terminology Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Pyramid concept previously known as "model" is now known as "resource". As a result, the following API renames have been made. Backwards compatibility shims for the old names have been left in place in all cases:: pyramid.url.model_url -> pyramid.url.resource_url pyramid.traversal.find_model -> pyramid.url.find_resource pyramid.traversal.model_path -> pyramid.traversal.resource_path pyramid.traversal.model_path_tuple -> pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple pyramid.traversal.ModelGraphTraverser -> pyramid.traversal.ResourceTreeTraverser pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_models -> pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_resources pyramid.testing.registerModels -> pyramid.testing.registerResources pyramid.testing.DummyModel -> pyramid.testing.DummyResource - All documentation which previously referred to "model" now refers to "resource". - The ``starter`` scaffold now has a ``resources.py`` module instead of a ``models.py`` module. - Positional argument names of various APIs have been changed from ``model`` to ``resource``. - The Pyramid concept previously known as "resource" is now known as "asset". As a result, the following API changes were made. Backwards compatibility shims have been left in place as necessary:: pyramid.config.Configurator.absolute_resource_spec -> pyramid.config.Configurator.absolute_asset_spec pyramid.config.Configurator.override_resource -> pyramid.config.Configurator.override_asset - The (non-API) module previously known as ``pyramid.resource`` is now known as ``pyramid.asset``. - All docs that previously referred to "resource specification" now refer to "asset specification". - The setting previously known as ``BFG_RELOAD_RESOURCES`` (envvar) or ``reload_resources`` (config file) is now known, respectively, as ``PYRAMID_RELOAD_ASSETS`` and ``reload_assets``. Better Platform Compatibility and Support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've made Pyramid's test suite pass on both Jython and PyPy. However, Chameleon doesn't work on either, so you'll need to use Mako or Jinja2 templates on these platforms. Sessions ~~~~~~~~ Pyramid now has built-in sessioning support, documented in :ref:`sessions_chapter`. The sessioning implementation is pluggable. It also provides flash messaging and cross-site-scripting prevention features. Using ``request.session`` now returns a (dictionary-like) session object if a :term:`session factory` has been configured. A new argument to the Configurator constructor exists: ``session_factory`` and a new method on the configurator exists: :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_session_factory`. Mako ~~~~ In addition to Chameleon templating, Pyramid now also provides built-in support for :term:`Mako` templating. See :ref:`mako_templates` for more information. URL Dispatch ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - URL Dispatch now allows for replacement markers to be located anywhere in the pattern, instead of immediately following a ``/``. - URL Dispatch now uses the form ``{marker}`` to denote a replace marker in the route pattern instead of ``:marker``. The old colon-style marker syntax is still accepted for backwards compatibility. The new format allows a regular expression for that marker location to be used instead of the default ``[^/]+``, for example ``{marker:\d+}`` is now valid to require the marker to be digits. - Addded a new API :func:`pyramid.url.current_route_url`, which computes a URL based on the "current" route (if any) and its matchdict values. - Added a ``paster proute`` command which displays a summary of the routing table. See the narrative documentation section entitled :ref:`displaying_application_routes`. - Added ``debug_routematch`` configuration setting (settable in your ``.ini`` file) that logs matched routes including the matchdict and predicates. - Add a :func:`pyramid.url.route_path` API, allowing folks to generate relative URLs. Calling ``route_path`` is the same as calling :func:`pyramid.url.route_url` with the argument ``_app_url`` equal to the empty string. - Add a :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.route_path` API. This is a convenience method of the request which calls :func:`pyramid.url.route_url`. - Added class vars ``matchdict`` and ``matched_route`` to :class:`pyramid.request.Request`. Each is set to ``None`` when a route isn't matched during a request. ZCML Externalized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``load_zcml`` method of a Configurator has been removed from the Pyramid core. Loading ZCML is now a feature of the :term:`pyramid_zcml` package, which can be downloaded from PyPI. Documentation for the package should be available via http://pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_zcml/dev/, which describes how to add a configuration statement to your ``main`` block to reobtain this method. You will also need to add an ``install_requires`` dependency upon the ``pyramid_zcml`` distribution to your ``setup.py`` file. - The "Declarative Configuration" narrative chapter has been removed (it was moved to the ``pyramid_zcml`` package). - Most references to ZCML in narrative chapters have been removed or redirected to ``pyramid_zcml`` locations. - The ``starter_zcml`` paster scaffold has been moved to the ``pyramid_zcml`` package. Imperative Two-Phase Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To support application extensibility, the :app:`Pyramid` :term:`Configurator`, by default, now detects configuration conflicts and allows you to include configuration imperatively from other packages or modules. It also, by default, performs configuration in two separate phases. This allows you to ignore relative configuration statement ordering in some circumstances. See :ref:`advconfig_narr` for more information. The :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_directive` allows framework extenders to add methods to the configurator, which allows extenders to avoid subclassing a Configurator just to add methods. See :ref:`add_directive` for more info. Surrounding application configuration with ``config.begin()`` and ``config.end()`` is no longer necessary. All scaffolds have been changed to no longer call these functions. Better Support for Global Template Variables During Rendering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new event type named :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IBeforeRender` is now sent as an event before a renderer is invoked. Applications may now subscribe to the ``IBeforeRender`` event type in order to introspect the and modify the set of renderer globals before they are passed to a renderer. The event object iself has a dictionary-like interface that can be used for this purpose. For example:: from repoze.events import subscriber from pyramid.interfaces import IRendererGlobalsEvent @subscriber(IRendererGlobalsEvent) def add_global(event): event['mykey'] = 'foo' View Mappers ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A "view mapper" subsystem has been extracted, which allows framework extenders to control how view callables are constructed and called. This feature is not useful for "civilians", only for extension writers. See :ref:`using_a_view_mapper` for more information. Testing Support Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` and :func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` APIs have been undeprecated. They are now the canonical setup and teardown APIs for test configuration, replacing "direct" creation of a Configurator. This is a change designed to provide a facade that will protect against any future Configurator deprecations. Authentication Support Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy` interface now specifies an ``unauthenticated_userid`` method. This method supports an important optimization required by people who are using persistent storages which do not support object caching and whom want to create a "user object" as a request attribute. - A new API has been added to the :mod:`pyramid.security` module named ``unauthenticated_userid``. This API function calls the ``unauthenticated_userid`` method of the effective security policy. - The class :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktCookieHelper` is now an API. This class can be used by third-party authentication policy developers to help in the mechanics of authentication cookie-setting. - The :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy` now accepts a ``tokens`` parameter via :func:`pyramid.security.remember`. The value must be a sequence of strings. Tokens are placed into the auth_tkt "tokens" field and returned in the auth_tkt cookie. - Added a ``wild_domain`` argument to :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy`, which defaults to ``True``. If it is set to ``False``, the feature of the policy which sets a cookie with a wilcard domain will be turned off. Documentation Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Casey Duncan, a good friend, and an excellent technical writer has given us the gift of professionally editing the entire Pyramid documentation set. Any faults in the documentation are the development team's, and all improvements are his. - The "Resource Location and View Lookup" chapter has been replaced with a variant of Rob Miller's "Much Ado About Traversal" (originally published at http://blog.nonsequitarian.org/2010/much-ado-about-traversal/). - Many users have contributed documentation fixes and improvements including Ben Bangert, Blaise Laflamme, Rob Miller, Mike Orr, Carlos de la Guardia, Paul Everitt, Tres Seaver, John Shipman, Marius Gedminas, Chris Rossi, Joachim Krebs, Xavier Spriet, Reed O'Brien, William Chambers, Charlie Choiniere, and Jamaludin Ahmad. Minor Feature Additions ----------------------- - The ``settings`` dictionary passed to the Configurator is now available as ``config.registry.settings`` in configuration code and ``request.registry.settings`` in view code). - :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` now accepts a ``decorator`` keyword argument, a callable which will decorate the view callable before it is added to the registry. - Allow static renderer provided during view registration to be overridden at request time via a request attribute named ``override_renderer``, which should be the name of a previously registered renderer. Useful to provide "omnipresent" RPC using existing rendered views. - If a resource implements a ``__resource_url__`` method, it will be called as the result of invoking the :func:`pyramid.url.resource_url` function to generate a URL, overriding the default logic. See :ref:`generating_the_url_of_a_resource` for more information. - The name ``registry`` is now available in a ``pshell`` environment by default. It is the application registry object. - Added support for json on Google App Engine by catching :exc:`NotImplementedError` and importing ``simplejson`` from ``django.utils``. - Added the :mod:`pyramid.httpexceptions` module, which is a facade for the ``webob.exc`` module. - New class: :class:`pyramid.response.Response`. This is a pure facade for ``webob.Response`` (old code need not change to use this facade, it's existence is mostly for vanity and documentation-generation purposes). - The request now has a new attribute: ``tmpl_context`` for benefit of Pylons users. - New API methods for :class:`pyramid.request.Request`: ``model_url``, ``route_url``, and ``static_url``. These are simple passthroughs for their respective functions in :mod:`pyramid.url`. Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - When a :class:`pyramid.exceptions.Forbidden` error is raised, its status code now ``403 Forbidden``. It was previously ``401 Unauthorized``, for backwards compatibility purposes with :mod:`repoze.bfg`. This change will cause problems for users of Pyramid with :mod:`repoze.who`, which intercepts ``401 Unauthorized`` by default, but allows ``403 Forbidden`` to pass through. Those deployments will need to configure :mod:`repoze.who` to also react to ``403 Forbidden``. To do so, use a repoze.who ``challenge_decider`` that looks like this:: import zope.interface from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallengeDecider def challenge_decider(environ, status, headers): return status.startswith('403') or status.startswith('401') zope.interface.directlyProvides(challenge_decider, IChallengeDecider) - The ``paster bfgshell`` command is now known as ``paster pshell``. - There is no longer an ``IDebugLogger`` object registered as a named utility with the name ``repoze.bfg.debug``. - These deprecated APIs have been removed: ``pyramid.testing.registerViewPermission``, ``pyramid.testing.registerRoutesMapper``, ``pyramid.request.get_request``, ``pyramid.security.Unauthorized``, ``pyramid.view.view_execution_permitted``, ``pyramid.view.NotFound`` - The Venusian "category" for all built-in Venusian decorators (e.g. ``subscriber`` and ``view_config``/``bfg_view``) is now ``pyramid`` instead of ``bfg``. - The ``pyramid.renderers.rendered_response`` function removed; use :func:`pyramid.renderers.render_to_response` instead. - Renderer factories now accept a *renderer info object* rather than an absolute resource specification or an absolute path. The object has the following attributes: ``name`` (the ``renderer=`` value), ``package`` (the 'current package' when the renderer configuration statement was found), ``type``: the renderer type, ``registry``: the current registry, and ``settings``: the deployment settings dictionary. Third-party ``repoze.bfg`` renderer implementations that must be ported to Pyramid will need to account for this. This change was made primarily to support more flexible Mako template rendering. - The presence of the key ``repoze.bfg.message`` in the WSGI environment when an exception occurs is now deprecated. Instead, code which relies on this environ value should use the ``exception`` attribute of the request (e.g. ``request.exception[0]``) to retrieve the message. - The values ``bfg_localizer`` and ``bfg_locale_name`` kept on the request during internationalization for caching purposes were never APIs. These however have changed to ``localizer`` and ``locale_name``, respectively. - The default ``cookie_name`` value of the :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy` now defaults to ``auth_tkt`` (it used to default to ``repoze.bfg.auth_tkt``). - The :func:`pyramid.testing.zcml_configure` API has been removed. It had been advertised as removed since :mod:`repoze.bfg` 1.2a1, but hadn't actually been. - All environment variables which used to be prefixed with ``BFG_`` are now prefixed with ``PYRAMID_`` (e.g. ``BFG_DEBUG_NOTFOUND`` is now ``PYRAMID_DEBUG_NOTFOUND``) - Since the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy` interface now specifies that a policy implementation must implement an ``unauthenticated_userid`` method, all third-party custom authentication policies now must implement this method. It, however, will only be called when the global function named :func:`pyramid.security.unauthenticated_userid` is invoked, so if you're not invoking that, you will not notice any issues. - The ``configure_zcml`` setting within the deployment settings (within ``**settings`` passed to a Pyramid ``main`` function) has ceased to have any meaning. - The ``make_app`` function has been removed from the :mod:`pyramid.router` module. It continues life within the ``pyramid_zcml`` package. This leaves the :mod:`pyramid.router` module without any API functions. Deprecations and Behavior Differences ------------------------------------- - :class:`pyramid.configuration.Configurator` is now deprecated. Use :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator`, passing its constructor ``autocommit=True`` instead. The :class:`pyramid.configuration.Configurator` alias will live for a long time, as every application uses it, but its import now issues a deprecation warning. The :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` class has the same API as the :class:`pyramid.configuration.Configurator` class, which it means to replace, except by default it is a *non-autocommitting* configurator. The now-deprecated ``pyramid.configuration.Configurator`` will autocommit every time a configuration method is called. The :mod:`pyramid.configuration` module remains, but it is deprecated. Use :mod:`pyramid.config` instead. - The :func:`pyramid.settings.get_settings` API is now deprecated. Use ``pyramid.threadlocals.get_current_registry().settings`` instead or use the ``settings`` attribute of the registry available from the request (``request.registry.settings``). - The decorator previously known as ``pyramid.view.bfg_view`` is now known most formally as :class:`pyramid.view.view_config` in docs and scaffolds. - Obtaining the ``settings`` object via ``registry.{get|query}Utility(ISettings)`` is now deprecated. Instead, obtain the ``settings`` object via the ``registry.settings`` attribute. A backwards compatibility shim was added to the registry object to register the settings object as an ISettings utility when ``setattr(registry, 'settings', foo)`` is called, but it will be removed in a later release. - Obtaining the ``settings`` object via :func:`pyramid.settings.get_settings` is now deprecated. Obtain it instead as the ``settings`` attribute of the registry now (obtain the registry via :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_registry` or as ``request.registry``). Dependency Changes ------------------ - Depend on Venusian >= 0.5 (for scanning conflict exception decoration). Documentation Enhancements -------------------------- - Added a :mod:`pyramid.httpexceptions` API documentation chapter. - Added a :mod:`pyramid.session` API documentation chapter. - Added an API chapter for the :mod:`pyramid.response` module. - Added a :ref:`sessions_chapter` narrative documentation chapter. - All documentation which previously referred to ``webob.Response`` now uses :class:`pyramid.response.Response` instead. - The documentation has been overhauled to use imperative configuration, moving declarative configuration (ZCML) explanations to an external package, :term:`pyramid_zcml`. - Removed ``zodbsessions`` tutorial chapter. It's still useful, but we now have a SessionFactory abstraction which competes with it, and maintaining documentation on both ways to do it is a distraction. - Added an example of ``WebTest`` functional testing to the testing narrative chapter at :ref:`functional_tests`. - Extended the Resources chapter with examples of calls to resource-related APIs. - Add "Pyramid Provides More Than One Way to Do It" to Design Defense documentation. - The (weak) "Converting a CMF Application to Pyramid" tutorial has been removed from the tutorials section. It was moved to the ``pyramid_tutorials`` Github repository at http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_tutorials/dev/. - Moved "Using ZODB With ZEO" and "Using repoze.catalog Within Pyramid" tutorials out of core documentation and into the Pyramid Tutorials site (http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_tutorials/dev/). - Removed API documentation for deprecated ``pyramid.testing`` APIs named ``registerDummySecurityPolicy``, ``registerResources``, ``registerModels``, ``registerEventListener``, ``registerTemplateRenderer``, ``registerDummyRenderer``, ``registerView``, ``registerUtility``, ``registerAdapter``, ``registerSubscriber``, ``registerRoute``, and ``registerSettings``.