What's New In Pyramid 1.1 ========================= This article explains the new features in Pyramid version 1.1 as compared to its predecessor, :app:`Pyramid` 1.0. It also documents backwards incompatibilities between the two versions and deprecations added to Pyramid 1.1, as well as software dependency changes and notable documentation additions. Terminology Changes ------------------- The term "template" used by the Pyramid documentation used to refer to both "paster templates" and "rendered templates" (templates created by a rendering engine. i.e. Mako, Chameleon, Jinja, etc.). "Paster templates" will now be refered to as "scaffolds", whereas the name for "rendered templates" will remain as "templates." Major Feature Additions ----------------------- The major feature additions in Pyramid 1.1 are: - Support for the ``request.response`` attribute. - New views introspection feature: ``paster pviews``. - Support for "static" routes. - Default HTTP exception view. - ``http_cache`` view configuration parameter causes Pyramid to set HTTP caching headers. - Features that make it easier to write scripts that work in a :app:`Pyramid` environment. ``request.response`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Instances of the :class:`pyramid.request.Request` class now have a ``response`` attribute. The object passed to a view callable as ``request`` is an instance of :class:`pyramid.request.Request`. ``request.response`` is an instance of the class :class:`pyramid.request.Response`. View callables that are configured with a :term:`renderer` will return this response object to the Pyramid router. Therefore, code in a renderer-using view callable can set response attributes such as ``request.response.content_type`` (before they return, e.g. a dictionary to the renderer) and this will influence the HTTP return value of the view callable. ``request.response`` can also be used in view callable code that is not configured to use a renderer. For example, a view callable might do ``request.response.body = '123'; return request.response``. However, the response object that is produced by ``request.response`` must be *returned* when a renderer is not in play in order to have any effect on the HTTP response (it is not a "global" response, and modifications to it are not somehow merged into a separately returned response object). The ``request.response`` object is lazily created, so its introduction does not negatively impact performance. ``paster pviews`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - A new paster command named ``paster pviews`` was added. This command prints a summary of potentially matching views for a given path. See the section entitled :ref:`displaying_matching_views` for more information. Static Routes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``add_route`` method of the Configurator now accepts a ``static`` argument. If this argument is ``True``, the added route will never be considered for matching when a request is handled. Instead, it will only be useful for URL generation via ``route_url`` and ``route_path``. See the section entitled :ref:`static_route_narr` for more information. Default HTTP Exception View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - A default exception view for the interface :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IExceptionResponse` is now registered by default. This means that an instance of any exception class imported from :mod:`pyramid.httpexceptions` (such as ``HTTPFound``) can now be raised from within view code; when raised, this exception view will render the exception to a response. To allow for configuration of this feature, the :term:`Configurator` now accepts an additional keyword argument named ``exceptionresponse_view``. By default, this argument is populated with a default exception view function that will be used when an HTTP exception is raised. When ``None`` is passed for this value, an exception view for HTTP exceptions will not be registered. Passing ``None`` returns the behavior of raising an HTTP exception to that of Pyramid 1.0 (the exception will propagate to middleware and to the WSGI server). ``http_cache`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new value ``http_cache`` can be used as a :term:`view configuration` parameter. When you supply an ``http_cache`` value to a view configuration, the ``Expires`` and ``Cache-Control`` headers of a response generated by the associated view callable are modified. The value for ``http_cache`` may be one of the following: - A nonzero integer. If it's a nonzero integer, it's treated as a number of seconds. This number of seconds will be used to compute the ``Expires`` header and the ``Cache-Control: max-age`` parameter of responses to requests which call this view. For example: ``http_cache=3600`` instructs the requesting browser to 'cache this response for an hour, please'. - A ``datetime.timedelta`` instance. If it's a ``datetime.timedelta`` instance, it will be converted into a number of seconds, and that number of seconds will be used to compute the ``Expires`` header and the ``Cache-Control: max-age`` parameter of responses to requests which call this view. For example: ``http_cache=datetime.timedelta(days=1)`` instructs the requesting browser to 'cache this response for a day, please'. - Zero (``0``). If the value is zero, the ``Cache-Control`` and ``Expires`` headers present in all responses from this view will be composed such that client browser cache (and any intermediate caches) are instructed to never cache the response. - A two-tuple. If it's a two tuple (e.g. ``http_cache=(1, {'public':True})``), the first value in the tuple may be a nonzero integer or a ``datetime.timedelta`` instance; in either case this value will be used as the number of seconds to cache the response. The second value in the tuple must be a dictionary. The values present in the dictionary will be used as input to the ``Cache-Control`` response header. For example: ``http_cache=(3600, {'public':True})`` means 'cache for an hour, and add ``public`` to the Cache-Control header of the response'. All keys and values supported by the ``webob.cachecontrol.CacheControl`` interface may be added to the dictionary. Supplying ``{'public':True}`` is equivalent to calling ``response.cache_control.public = True``. Providing a non-tuple value as ``http_cache`` is equivalent to calling ``response.cache_expires(value)`` within your view's body. Providing a two-tuple value as ``http_cache`` is equivalent to calling ``response.cache_expires(value[0], **value[1])`` within your view's body. If you wish to avoid influencing, the ``Expires`` header, and instead wish to only influence ``Cache-Control`` headers, pass a tuple as ``http_cache`` with the first element of ``None``, e.g.: ``(None, {'public':True})``. The environment setting ``PYRAMID_PREVENT_HTTP_CACHE`` and configuration file value ``prevent_http_cache`` are synonymous and allow you to prevent HTTP cache headers from being set by Pyramid's ``http_cache`` machinery globally in a process. see :ref:`influencing_http_caching` and :ref:`preventing_http_caching`. Easier Scripting Writing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new API function :func:`pyramid.paster.bootstrap` has been added to make writing scripts that need to work under Pyramid environment easier, e.g.: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.paster import bootstrap info = bootstrap('/path/to/my/development.ini') request = info['request'] print request.route_url('myroute') See :ref:`writing_a_script` for more details. Minor Feature Additions ----------------------- - It is now possible to invoke ``paster pshell`` even if the paste ini file section name pointed to in its argument is not actually a Pyramid WSGI application. The shell will work in a degraded mode, and will warn the user. See "The Interactive Shell" in the "Creating a Pyramid Project" narrative documentation section. - The ``paster pshell``, ``paster pviews``, and ``paster proutes`` commands each now under the hood uses :func:`pyramid.paster.bootstrap`, which makes it possible to supply an ``.ini`` file without naming the "right" section in the file that points at the actual Pyramid application. Instead, you can generally just run ``paster {pshell|proutes|pviews} development.ini`` and it will do mostly the right thing. - It is now possible to add a ``[pshell]`` section to your application's .ini configuration file, which influences the global names available to a pshell session. See :ref:`extending_pshell`. - The :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.scan` method has grown a ``**kw`` argument. ``kw`` argument represents a set of keyword arguments to pass to the Venusian ``Scanner`` object created by Pyramid. (See the :term:`Venusian` documentation for more information about ``Scanner``). - New request property: ``json_body``. This property will return the JSON-decoded variant of the request body. If the request body is not well-formed JSON, this property will raise an exception. - A `JSONP `_ renderer. See :ref:`jsonp_renderer` for more details. - New authentication policy: :class:`pyramid.authentication.SessionAuthenticationPolicy`, which uses a session to store credentials. - A function named :func:`pyramid.httpexceptions.exception_response` is a shortcut that can be used to create HTTP exception response objects using an HTTP integer status code. - Integers and longs passed as ``elements`` to :func:`pyramid.url.resource_url` or :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.resource_url` e.g. ``resource_url(context, request, 1, 2)`` (``1`` and ``2`` are the ``elements``) will now be converted implicitly to strings in the result. Previously passing integers or longs as elements would cause a TypeError. - ``pyramid_alchemy`` scaffold now uses ``query.get`` rather than ``query.filter_by`` to take better advantage of identity map caching. - ``pyramid_alchemy`` scaffold now has unit tests. - Added a :func:`pyramid.i18n.make_localizer` API. - An exception raised by a :class:`pyramid.events.NewRequest` event subscriber can now be caught by an exception view. - It is now possible to get information about why Pyramid raised a Forbidden exception from within an exception view. The ``ACLDenied`` object returned by the ``permits`` method of each stock authorization policy (:meth:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthorizationPolicy.permits`) is now attached to the Forbidden exception as its ``result`` attribute. Therefore, if you've created a Forbidden exception view, you can see the ACE, ACL, permission, and principals involved in the request as eg. ``context.result.permission``, ``context.result.acl``, etc within the logic of the Forbidden exception view. - Don't explicitly prevent the ``timeout`` from being lower than the ``reissue_time`` when setting up an :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy` (previously such a configuration would raise a ``ValueError``, now it's allowed, although typically nonsensical). Allowing the nonsensical configuration made the code more understandable and required fewer tests. - The :class:`pyramid.request.Request` class now has a ``ResponseClass`` attribute which points at :class:`pyramid.response.Response`. - The :class:`pyramid.response.Response` class now has a ``RequestClass`` interface which points at :class:`pyramid.request.Request`. - It is now possible to return an arbitrary object from a Pyramid view callable even if a renderer is not used, as long as a suitable adapter to :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` is registered for the type of the returned object by using the new :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_response_adapter` API. See the section in the Hooks chapter of the documentation entitled :ref:`using_iresponse`. - The Pyramid router will now, by default, call the ``__call__`` method of response objects when returning a WSGI response. This means that, among other things, the ``conditional_response`` feature response objects inherited from WebOb will now behave properly. - New method named :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.is_response`. This method should be used instead of the :func:`pyramid.view.is_response` function, which has been deprecated. - :class:`pyramid.exceptions.NotFound` is now just an alias for :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound`. - :class:`pyramid.exceptions.Forbidden` is now just an alias for :class:`pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden`. - Added ``mako.preprocessor`` config file parameter; allows for a Mako preprocessor to be specified as a Python callable or Python dotted name. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/pull/183 for rationale. - New API class: :class:`pyramid.static.static_view`. This supersedes the (now deprecated) :class:`pyramid.view.static` class. :class:`pyramid.static.static_view`, by default, serves up documents as the result of the request's ``path_info``, attribute rather than it's ``subpath`` attribute (the inverse was true of :class:`pyramid.view.static`, and still is). :class:`pyramid.static.static_view` exposes a ``use_subpath`` flag for use when you want the static view to behave like the older deprecated version. - A new api function :func:`pyramid.scripting.prepare` has been added. It is a lower-level analogue of :func:`pyramid.paster.boostrap` that accepts a request and a registry instead of a config file argument, and is used for the same purpose: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.scripting import prepare info = prepare(registry=myregistry) request = info['request'] print request.route_url('myroute') - A new API function :func:`pyramid.scripting.make_request` has been added. The resulting request will have a ``registry`` attribute. It is meant to be used in conjunction with :func:`pyramid.scripting.prepare` and/or :func:`pyramid.paster.bootstrap` (both of which accept a request as an argument): .. code-block:: python from pyramid.scripting import make_request request = make_request('/') - New API attribute :attr:`pyramid.config.global_registries` is an iterable object that contains references to every Pyramid registry loaded into the current process via :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.make_app`. It also has a ``last`` attribute containing the last registry loaded. This is used by the scripting machinery, and is available for introspection. - Added the :attr:`pyramid.renderers.null_renderer` object as an API. The null renderer is an object that can be used in advanced integration cases as input to the view configuration ``renderer=`` argument. When the null renderer is used as a view renderer argument, Pyramid avoids converting the view callable result into a Response object. This is useful if you want to reuse the view configuration and lookup machinery outside the context of its use by the Pyramid router. (This feature was added for consumption by the ``pyramid_rpc`` package, which uses view configuration and lookup outside the context of a router in exactly this way.) Backwards Incompatibilities --------------------------- - Pyramid no longer supports Python 2.4. Python 2.5 or better is required to run Pyramid 1.1+. Pyramid, however, does not work under any version of Python 3 yet. - The Pyramid router now, by default, expects response objects returned from view callables to implement the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` interface. Unlike the Pyramid 1.0 version of this interface, objects which implement IResponse now must define a ``__call__`` method that accepts ``environ`` and ``start_response``, and which returns an ``app_iter`` iterable, among other things. Previously, it was possible to return any object which had the three WebOb ``app_iter``, ``headerlist``, and ``status`` attributes as a response, so this is a backwards incompatibility. It is possible to get backwards compatibility back by registering an adapter to IResponse from the type of object you're now returning from view callables. See the section in the Hooks chapter of the documentation entitled :ref:`using_iresponse`. - The :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` interface is now much more extensive. Previously it defined only ``app_iter``, ``status`` and ``headerlist``; now it is basically intended to directly mirror the ``webob.Response`` API, which has many methods and attributes. - The :mod:`pyramid.httpexceptions` classes named ``HTTPFound``, ``HTTPMultipleChoices``, ``HTTPMovedPermanently``, ``HTTPSeeOther``, ``HTTPUseProxy``, and ``HTTPTemporaryRedirect`` now accept ``location`` as their first positional argument rather than ``detail``. This means that you can do, e.g. ``return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound('http://foo')`` rather than ``return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound(location='http//foo')`` (the latter will of course continue to work). - The pyramid Router attempted to set a value into the key ``environ['repoze.bfg.message']`` when it caught a view-related exception for backwards compatibility with applications written for :mod:`repoze.bfg` during error handling. It did this by using code that looked like so:: # "why" is an exception object try: msg = why[0] except: msg = '' environ['repoze.bfg.message'] = msg Use of the value ``environ['repoze.bfg.message']`` was docs-deprecated in Pyramid 1.0. Our standing policy is to not remove features after a deprecation for two full major releases, so this code was originally slated to be removed in Pyramid 1.2. However, computing the ``repoze.bfg.message`` value was the source of at least one bug found in the wild (https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/199), and there isn't a foolproof way to both preserve backwards compatibility and to fix the bug. Therefore, the code which sets the value has been removed in this release. Code in exception views which relies on this value's presence in the environment should now use the ``exception`` attribute of the request (e.g. ``request.exception[0]``) to retrieve the message instead of relying on ``request.environ['repoze.bfg.message']``. Deprecations and Behavior Differences ------------------------------------- .. note:: Under Python 2.7+, it's necessary to pass the Python interpreter the correct warning flags to see deprecation warnings emitted by Pyramid when porting your application from an older version of Pyramid. Use the ``PYTHONWARNINGS`` environment variable with the value ``all`` in the shell you use to invoke ``paster serve`` to see these warnings, e.g. on UNIX, ``PYTHONWARNINGS=all bin/paster serve development.ini``. Python 2.5 and 2.6 show deprecation warnings by default, so this is unecessary there. All deprecation warnings are emitted to the console. - The :class:`pyramid.view.static` class has been deprecated in favor of the newer :class:`pyramid.static.static_view` class. A deprecation warning is raised when it is used. You should replace it with a reference to :class:`pyramid.static.static_view` with the ``use_subpath=True`` argument. - The ``paster pshell``, ``paster proutes``, and ``paster pviews`` commands now take a single argument in the form ``/path/to/config.ini#sectionname`` rather than the previous 2-argument spelling ``/path/to/config.ini sectionname``. ``#sectionname`` may be omitted, in which case ``#main`` is assumed. - The default Mako renderer is now configured to escape all HTML in expression tags. This is intended to help prevent XSS attacks caused by rendering unsanitized input from users. To revert this behavior in user's templates, they need to filter the expression through the 'n' filter:: ${ myhtml | n }. See https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/193. - Deprecated all assignments to ``request.response_*`` attributes (for example ``request.response_content_type = 'foo'`` is now deprecated). Assignments and mutations of assignable request attributes that were considered by the framework for response influence are now deprecated: ``response_content_type``, ``response_headerlist``, ``response_status``, ``response_charset``, and ``response_cache_for``. Instead of assigning these to the request object for later detection by the rendering machinery, users should use the appropriate API of the Response object created by accessing ``request.response`` (e.g. code which does ``request.response_content_type = 'abc'`` should be changed to ``request.response.content_type = 'abc'``). - Passing view-related parameters to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` is now deprecated. Previously, a view was permitted to be connected to a route using a set of ``view*`` parameters passed to the ``add_route`` method of the Configurator. This was a shorthand which replaced the need to perform a subsequent call to ``add_view``. For example, it was valid (and often recommended) to do:: config.add_route('home', '/', view='mypackage.views.myview', view_renderer='some/renderer.pt') Passing ``view*`` arguments to ``add_route`` is now deprecated in favor of connecting a view to a predefined route via :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` using the route's ``route_name`` parameter. As a result, the above example should now be spelled:: config.add_route('home', '/') config.add_view('mypackage.views.myview', route_name='home', renderer='some/renderer.pt') This deprecation was done to reduce confusion observed in IRC, as well as to (eventually) reduce documentation burden (see also https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/164). A deprecation warning is now issued when any view-related parameter is passed to ``add_route``. - Passing an ``environ`` dictionary to the ``__call__`` method of a "traverser" (e.g. an object that implements :class:`pyramid.interfaces.ITraverser` such as an instance of :class:`pyramid.traversal.ResourceTreeTraverser`) as its ``request`` argument now causes a deprecation warning to be emitted. Consumer code should pass a ``request`` object instead. The fact that passing an environ dict is permitted has been documentation-deprecated since ``repoze.bfg`` 1.1, and this capability will be removed entirely in a future version. - The following (undocumented, dictionary-like) methods of the :class:`pyramid.request.Request` object have been deprecated: ``__contains__``, ``__delitem__``, ``__getitem__``, ``__iter__``, ``__setitem__``, ``get``, ``has_key``, ``items``, ``iteritems``, ``itervalues``, ``keys``, ``pop``, ``popitem``, ``setdefault``, ``update``, and ``values``. Usage of any of these methods will cause a deprecation warning to be emitted. These methods were added for internal compatibility in ``repoze.bfg`` 1.1 (code that currently expects a request object expected an environ object in BFG 1.0 and before). In a future version, these methods will be removed entirely. - A custom request factory is now required to return a request object that has a ``response`` attribute (or "reified"/lazy property) if the request is meant to be used in a view that uses a renderer. This ``response`` attribute should be an instance of the class :class:`pyramid.response.Response`. - The JSON and string renderer factories now assign to ``request.response.content_type`` rather than ``request.response_content_type``. - Each built-in renderer factory now determines whether it should change the content type of the response by comparing the response's content type against the response's default content type; if the content type is the default content type (usually ``text/html``), the renderer changes the content type (to ``application/json`` or ``text/plain`` for JSON and string renderers respectively). - The :func:`pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2` now uses a slightly different method of figuring out how to "fix" ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and ``PATH_INFO`` for the downstream application. As a result, those values may differ slightly from the perspective of the downstream application (for example, ``SCRIPT_NAME`` will now never possess a trailing slash). - Previously, :class:`pyramid.request.Request` inherited from :class:`webob.request.Request` and implemented ``__getattr__``, ``__setattr__`` and ``__delattr__`` itself in order to override "adhoc attr" WebOb behavior where attributes of the request are stored in the environ. Now, :class:`pyramid.request.Request` inherits from (the more recent) :class:`webob.request.BaseRequest` instead of :class:`webob.request.Request`, which provides the same behavior. :class:`pyramid.request.Request` no longer implements its own ``__getattr__``, ``__setattr__`` or ``__delattr__`` as a result. - Deprecated :func:`pyramid.view.is_response` function in favor of (newly-added) :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.is_response` method. Determining if an object is truly a valid response object now requires access to the registry, which is only easily available as a request attribute. The :func:`pyramid.view.is_response` function will still work until it is removed, but now may return an incorrect answer under some (very uncommon) circumstances. - :class:`pyramid.response.Response` is now a *subclass* of ``webob.response.Response`` (in order to directly implement the :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IResponse` interface, to speed up response generation). - The "exception response" objects importable from ``pyramid.httpexceptions`` (e.g. ``HTTPNotFound``) are no longer just import aliases for classes that actually live in ``webob.exc``. Instead, we've defined our own exception classes within the module that mirror and emulate the ``webob.exc`` exception response objects almost entirely. See :ref:`http_exception_hierarchy` in the Design Defense chapter for more information. - When visiting a URL that represented a static view which resolved to a subdirectory, the ``index.html`` of that subdirectory would not be served properly. Instead, a redirect to ``/subdir`` would be issued. This has been fixed, and now visiting a subdirectory that contains an ``index.html`` within a static view returns the index.html properly. See also https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/67. - Deprecated the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_renderer_globals_factory` method and the ``renderer_globals`` Configurator constructor parameter. Users should convert code using this feature to use a BeforeRender event. See the section :ref:`beforerender_event` in the Hooks chapter. - In Pyramid 1.0, the :class:`pyramid.events.subscriber` directive behaved contrary to the documentation when passed more than one interface object to its constructor. For example, when the following listener was registered:: @subscriber(IFoo, IBar) def expects_ifoo_events_and_ibar_events(event): print event The Events chapter docs claimed that the listener would be registered and listening for both ``IFoo`` and ``IBar`` events. Instead, it registered an "object event" subscriber which would only be called if an IObjectEvent was emitted where the object interface was ``IFoo`` and the event interface was ``IBar``. The behavior now matches the documentation. If you were relying on the buggy behavior of the 1.0 ``subscriber`` directive in order to register an object event subscriber, you must now pass a sequence to indicate you'd like to register a subscriber for an object event. e.g.:: @subscriber([IFoo, IBar]) def expects_object_event(object, event): print object, event - In 1.0, if a :class:`pyramid.events.BeforeRender` event subscriber added a value via the ``__setitem__`` or ``update`` methods of the event object with a key that already existed in the renderer globals dictionary, a ``KeyError`` was raised. With the deprecation of the "add_renderer_globals" feature of the configurator, there was no way to override an existing value in the renderer globals dictionary that already existed. Now, the event object will overwrite an older value that is already in the globals dictionary when its ``__setitem__`` or ``update`` is called (as well as the new ``setdefault`` method), just like a plain old dictionary. As a result, for maximum interoperability with other third-party subscribers, if you write an event subscriber meant to be used as a BeforeRender subscriber, your subscriber code will now need to (using ``.get`` or ``__contains__`` of the event object) ensure no value already exists in the renderer globals dictionary before setting an overriding value. - The :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` method allowed two routes with the same route to be added without an intermediate call to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.commit`. If you now receive a ``ConfigurationError`` at startup time that appears to be ``add_route`` related, you'll need to either a) ensure that all of your route names are unique or b) call ``config.commit()`` before adding a second route with the name of a previously added name or c) use a Configurator that works in ``autocommit`` mode. Dependency Changes ------------------ - Pyramid now depends on :term:`WebOb` >= 1.0.2 as tests depend on the bugfix in that release: "Fix handling of WSGI environs with missing ``SCRIPT_NAME``". (Note that in reality, everyone should probably be using 1.0.4 or better though, as WebOb 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 were effectively brownbag releases.) Documentation Enhancements -------------------------- - Added a section entitled :ref:`writing_a_script` to the "Command-Line Pyramid" chapter. - The :ref:`bfg_wiki_tutorial` was updated slightly. - The :ref:`bfg_sql_wiki_tutorial` was updated slightly. - Made :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy` and :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthorizationPolicy` public interfaces, and they are now referred to within the :mod:`pyramid.authentication` and :mod:`pyramid.authorization` API docs. - Render the function definitions for each exposed interface in :mod:`pyramid.interfaces`. - Add missing docs reference to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_view_mapper` and refer to it within the documentation section entitled :ref:`using_a_view_mapper`. - Added section to the "Environment Variables and ``.ini`` File Settings" chapter in the narrative documentation section entitled :ref:`adding_a_custom_setting`. - Added documentation for a :term:`multidict` as :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IMultiDict`. - Added a section to the "URL Dispatch" narrative chapter regarding the new "static" route feature entitled :ref:`static_route_narr`. - Added API docs for :func:`pyramid.httpexceptions.exception_response`. - Added :ref:`http_exceptions` section to Views narrative chapter including a description of :func:`pyramid.httpexceptions.exception_response`. - Added API docs for :class:`pyramid.authentication.SessionAuthenticationPolicy`.