Source code for pyramid.path

import os
import pkg_resources
import sys
import imp

from zope.interface import implementer

from pyramid.interfaces import IAssetDescriptor

from pyramid.compat import string_types

ignore_types = [ imp.C_EXTENSION, imp.C_BUILTIN ]
init_names = [ '__init__%s' % x[0] for x in imp.get_suffixes() if
               x[0] and x[2] not in ignore_types ]

def caller_path(path, level=2):
    if not os.path.isabs(path):
        module = caller_module(level+1)
        prefix = package_path(module)
        path = os.path.join(prefix, path)
    return path

def caller_module(level=2, sys=sys):
    module_globals = sys._getframe(level).f_globals
    module_name = module_globals.get('__name__') or '__main__'
    module = sys.modules[module_name]
    return module

def package_name(pkg_or_module):
    """ If this function is passed a module, return the dotted Python
    package name of the package in which the module lives.  If this
    function is passed a package, return the dotted Python package
    name of the package itself."""
    if pkg_or_module is None or pkg_or_module.__name__ == '__main__':
        return '__main__'
    pkg_filename = pkg_or_module.__file__
    pkg_name = pkg_or_module.__name__
    splitted = os.path.split(pkg_filename)
    if splitted[-1] in init_names:
        # it's a package
        return pkg_name
    return pkg_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

def package_of(pkg_or_module):
    """ Return the package of a module or return the package itself """
    pkg_name = package_name(pkg_or_module)
    return sys.modules[pkg_name]

def caller_package(level=2, caller_module=caller_module):
    # caller_module in arglist for tests
    module = caller_module(level+1)
    f = getattr(module, '__file__', '')
    if (('' in f) or ('__init__$py' in f)): # empty at >>>
        # Module is a package
        return module
    # Go up one level to get package
    package_name = module.__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
    return sys.modules[package_name]

def package_path(package):
    # computing the abspath is actually kinda expensive so we memoize
    # the result
    prefix = getattr(package, '__abspath__', None)
    if prefix is None:
        prefix = pkg_resources.resource_filename(package.__name__, '')
        # pkg_resources doesn't care whether we feed it a package
        # name or a module name within the package, the result
        # will be the same: a directory name to the package itself
            package.__abspath__ = prefix
            # this is only an optimization, ignore any error
    return prefix

class _CALLER_PACKAGE(object):
    def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover (for docs)
        return 'pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE'


class Resolver(object):
    def __init__(self, package=CALLER_PACKAGE):
        if package in (None, CALLER_PACKAGE):
            self.package = package
            if isinstance(package, string_types):
                except ImportError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The dotted name %r cannot be imported' % (package,)
                package = sys.modules[package]
            self.package = package_of(package)

    def get_package_name(self):
        if self.package is CALLER_PACKAGE:
            package_name = caller_package().__name__
            package_name = self.package.__name__
        return package_name

    def get_package(self):
        if self.package is CALLER_PACKAGE:
            package = caller_package()
            package = self.package
        return package

[docs]class AssetResolver(Resolver): """ A class used to resolve an :term:`asset specification` to an :term:`asset descriptor`. .. note:: This API is new as of Pyramid 1.3. The constructor accepts a single argument named ``package`` which may be any of: - A fully qualified (not relative) dotted name to a module or package - a Python module or package object - The value ``None`` - The constant value :attr:`pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE`. The default value is :attr:`pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE`. The ``package`` is used when a relative asset specification is supplied to the :meth:`~pyramid.path.AssetResolver.resolve` method. An asset specification without a colon in it is treated as relative. If the value ``None`` is supplied as the ``package``, the resolver will only be able to resolve fully qualified (not relative) asset specifications. Any attempt to resolve a relative asset specification when the ``package`` is ``None`` will result in an :exc:`ValueError` exception. If the value :attr:`pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE` is supplied as the ``package``, the resolver will treat relative asset specifications as relative to the caller of the :meth:`~pyramid.path.AssetResolver.resolve` method. If a *module* or *module name* (as opposed to a package or package name) is supplied as ``package``, its containing package is computed and this package used to derive the package name (all names are resolved relative to packages, never to modules). For example, if the ``package`` argument to this type was passed the string ``xml.dom.expatbuilder``, and ```` is supplied to the :meth:`~pyramid.path.AssetResolver.resolve` method, the resulting absolute asset spec would be ````, because ``xml.dom.expatbuilder`` is a module object, not a package object. If a *package* or *package name* (as opposed to a module or module name) is supplied as ``package``, this package will be used to compute relative asset specifications. For example, if the ``package`` argument to this type was passed the string ``xml.dom``, and ```` is supplied to the :meth:`~pyramid.path.AssetResolver.resolve` method, the resulting absolute asset spec would be ````. """
[docs] def resolve(self, spec): """ Resolve the asset spec named as ``spec`` to an object that has the attributes and methods described in :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAssetDescriptor`. If ``spec`` is an absolute filename (e.g. ``/path/to/myproject/templates/``) or an absolute asset spec (e.g. ````), an asset descriptor is returned without taking into account the ``package`` passed to this class' constructor. If ``spec`` is a *relative* asset specification (an asset specification without a ``:`` in it, e.g. ``templates/``), the ``package`` argument of the constructor is used as the package portion of the asset spec. For example: .. code-block:: python a = AssetResolver('myproject') resolver = a.resolve('templates/') print resolver.abspath() # -> /path/to/myproject/templates/ If the AssetResolver is constructed without a ``package`` argument of ``None``, and a relative asset specification is passed to ``resolve``, an :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised. """ if os.path.isabs(spec): return FSAssetDescriptor(spec) path = spec if ':' in path: package_name, path = spec.split(':', 1) else: if self.package is CALLER_PACKAGE: package_name = caller_package().__name__ else: package_name = getattr(self.package, '__name__', None) if package_name is None: raise ValueError( 'relative spec %r irresolveable without package' % (spec,) ) return PkgResourcesAssetDescriptor(package_name, path)
[docs]class DottedNameResolver(Resolver): """ A class used to resolve a :term:`dotted Python name` to a package or module object. .. note:: This API is new as of Pyramid 1.3. The constructor accepts a single argument named ``package`` which may be any of: - A fully qualified (not relative) dotted name to a module or package - a Python module or package object - The value ``None`` - The constant value :attr:`pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE`. The default value is :attr:`pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE`. The ``package`` is used when a relative dotted name is supplied to the :meth:`~pyramid.path.DottedNameResolver.resolve` method. A dotted name which has a ``.`` (dot) or ``:`` (colon) as its first character is treated as relative. If the value ``None`` is supplied as the ``package``, the resolver will only be able to resolve fully qualified (not relative) names. Any attempt to resolve a relative name when the ``package`` is ``None`` will result in an :exc:`ValueError` exception. If the value :attr:`pyramid.path.CALLER_PACKAGE` is supplied as the ``package``, the resolver will treat relative dotted names as relative to the caller of the :meth:`~pyramid.path.DottedNameResolver.resolve` method. If a *module* or *module name* (as opposed to a package or package name) is supplied as ``package``, its containing package is computed and this package used to derive the package name (all names are resolved relative to packages, never to modules). For example, if the ``package`` argument to this type was passed the string ``xml.dom.expatbuilder``, and ``.mindom`` is supplied to the :meth:`~pyramid.path.DottedNameResolver.resolve` method, the resulting import would be for ``xml.minidom``, because ``xml.dom.expatbuilder`` is a module object, not a package object. If a *package* or *package name* (as opposed to a module or module name) is supplied as ``package``, this package will be used to relative compute dotted names. For example, if the ``package`` argument to this type was passed the string ``xml.dom``, and ``.minidom`` is supplied to the :meth:`~pyramid.path.DottedNameResolver.resolve` method, the resulting import would be for ``xml.minidom``. """
[docs] def resolve(self, dotted): """ This method resolves a dotted name reference to a global Python object (an object which can be imported) to the object itself. Two dotted name styles are supported: - ``pkg_resources``-style dotted names where non-module attributes of a package are separated from the rest of the path using a ``:`` e.g. ``package.module:attr``. - ``zope.dottedname``-style dotted names where non-module attributes of a package are separated from the rest of the path using a ``.`` e.g. ``package.module.attr``. These styles can be used interchangeably. If the supplied name contains a ``:`` (colon), the ``pkg_resources`` resolution mechanism will be chosen, otherwise the ``zope.dottedname`` resolution mechanism will be chosen. If the ``dotted`` argument passed to this method is not a string, a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. When a dotted name cannot be resolved, a :exc:`ValueError` error is raised. Example: .. code-block:: python r = DottedNameResolver() v = r.resolve('xml') # v is the xml module """ if not isinstance(dotted, string_types): raise ValueError('%r is not a string' % (dotted,)) package = self.package if package is CALLER_PACKAGE: package = caller_package() return self._resolve(dotted, package)
[docs] def maybe_resolve(self, dotted): """ This method behaves just like :meth:`~pyramid.path.DottedNameResolver.resolve`, except if the ``dotted`` value passed is not a string, it is simply returned. For example: .. code-block:: python import xml r = DottedNameResolver() v = r.maybe_resolve(xml) # v is the xml module; no exception raised """ if isinstance(dotted, string_types): package = self.package if package is CALLER_PACKAGE: package = caller_package() return self._resolve(dotted, package) return dotted
def _resolve(self, dotted, package): if ':' in dotted: return self._pkg_resources_style(dotted, package) else: return self._zope_dottedname_style(dotted, package) def _pkg_resources_style(self, value, package): """ package.module:attr style """ if value.startswith('.') or value.startswith(':'): if not package: raise ValueError( 'relative name %r irresolveable without package' % (value,) ) if value in ['.', ':']: value = package.__name__ else: value = package.__name__ + value return pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse( 'x=%s' % value).load(False) def _zope_dottedname_style(self, value, package): """ package.module.attr style """ module = getattr(package, '__name__', None) # package may be None if not module: module = None if value == '.': if module is None: raise ValueError( 'relative name %r irresolveable without package' % (value,) ) name = module.split('.') else: name = value.split('.') if not name[0]: if module is None: raise ValueError( 'relative name %r irresolveable without ' 'package' % (value,) ) module = module.split('.') name.pop(0) while not name[0]: module.pop() name.pop(0) name = module + name used = name.pop(0) found = __import__(used) for n in name: used += '.' + n try: found = getattr(found, n) except AttributeError: __import__(used) found = getattr(found, n) # pragma: no cover return found
@implementer(IAssetDescriptor) class PkgResourcesAssetDescriptor(object): pkg_resources = pkg_resources def __init__(self, pkg_name, path): self.pkg_name = pkg_name self.path = path def absspec(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.pkg_name, self.path) def abspath(self): return self.pkg_resources.resource_filename(self.pkg_name, self.path) def stream(self): return self.pkg_resources.resource_stream(self.pkg_name, self.path) def isdir(self): return self.pkg_resources.resource_isdir(self.pkg_name, self.path) def listdir(self): return self.pkg_resources.resource_listdir(self.pkg_name, self.path) def exists(self): return self.pkg_resources.resource_exists(self.pkg_name, self.path) @implementer(IAssetDescriptor) class FSAssetDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = os.path.abspath(path) def absspec(self): raise NotImplementedError def abspath(self): return self.path def stream(self): return open(self.path, 'rb') def isdir(self): return os.path.isdir(self.path) def listdir(self): return os.listdir(self.path) def exists(self): return os.path.exists(self.path)