4: Quick Project Start With Scaffolds

Getting started quickly on a Python application requires, as we just saw, several steps. Like other popular web frameworks, Pyramid provides a facility called “scaffolds” that let you quickly generate the basics of a Pyramid application.


  • Use pcreate to see what scaffolds are available
  • Create and install a sample project using one of the available scaffolds


  1. We don’t need to copy the previous step. Instead, just make an empty new directory:

    (env33)$ cd ..; mkdir step04; cd step04
  2. See the usage for pcreate:

    (env33)$ pcreate --help
  3. List the available scaffolds:

    (env33)$ pcreate --list
  4. Make a new Python project called tutorial using starter as a starting point:

    (env33)$ pcreate -s starter tutorial
  5. Visit that project and see the project contents:

    (env33)$ cd tutorial; ls
  6. Install your new project:

    (env33)$ python3.3 setup.py develop
  7. Run the WSGI application with:

    (env33)$ pserve development.ini
  8. Open in your browser. Different port number!


Pyramid has a number of scaffold templates that provide different starting points. starter is the most basic. alchemy is useful for developers wanting SQLAlchemy as a starting point. These scaffolds provide a way for Pyramid to remain unopinionated, but still provide starting points with a set of opinions.

When you visited this project in your browser, you might have seen the pyramid_debugtoolbar in action. This is a handy helper during development.


The remaining steps in this tutorial do not use scaffolds, as we want to teach the various decisions being made.

Extra Credit

  1. If you make a project with one of the scaffolds, can you still share your project with others?
  2. Can you make scaffolds for your own Pyramid projects?

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