.. _modwsgi_tutorial: Running a :app:`Pyramid` Application under ``mod_wsgi`` ========================================================== :term:`mod_wsgi` is an Apache module developed by Graham Dumpleton. It allows :term:`WSGI` programs to be served using the Apache web server. This guide will outline broad steps that can be used to get a :app:`Pyramid` application running under Apache via ``mod_wsgi``. This particular tutorial was developed under Apple's Mac OS X platform (Snow Leopard, on a 32-bit Mac), but the instructions should be largely the same for all systems, delta specific path information for commands and files. .. note:: Unfortunately these instructions almost certainly won't work for deploying a :app:`Pyramid` application on a Windows system using ``mod_wsgi``. If you have experience with :app:`Pyramid` and ``mod_wsgi`` on Windows systems, please help us document this experience by submitting documentation to the `Pylons-devel maillist `_. #. The tutorial assumes you have Apache already installed on your system. If you do not, install Apache 2.X for your platform in whatever manner makes sense. #. Once you have Apache installed, install ``mod_wsgi``. Use the (excellent) `installation instructions `_ for your platform into your system's Apache installation. #. Install :term:`virtualenv` into the Python which mod_wsgi will run using the ``easy_install`` program. .. code-block:: text $ sudo /usr/bin/easy_install-2.6 virtualenv This command may need to be performed as the root user. #. Create a :term:`virtualenv` which we'll use to install our application. .. code-block:: text $ cd ~ $ mkdir modwsgi $ cd modwsgi $ /usr/local/bin/virtualenv --no-site-packages env #. Install :app:`Pyramid` into the newly created virtualenv: .. code-block:: text $ cd ~/modwsgi/env $ bin/easy_install pyramid #. Create and install your :app:`Pyramid` application. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll just be using the ``pyramid_starter`` application as a baseline application. Substitute your existing :app:`Pyramid` application as necessary if you already have one. .. code-block:: text $ cd ~/modwsgi/env $ bin/pcreate -s starter myapp $ cd myapp $ ../bin/python setup.py install #. Within the virtualenv directory (``~/modwsgi/env``), create a script named ``pyramid.wsgi``. Give it these contents: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.paster import get_app, setup_logging ini_path = '/Users/chrism/modwsgi/env/myapp/production.ini' setup_logging(ini_path) application = get_app(ini_path, 'main') The first argument to ``get_app`` is the project configuration file name. It's best to use the ``production.ini`` file provided by your scaffold, as it contains settings appropriate for production. The second is the name of the section within the .ini file that should be loaded by ``mod_wsgi``. The assignment to the name ``application`` is important: mod_wsgi requires finding such an assignment when it opens the file. The call to ``setup_logging`` initializes the standard library's `logging` module to allow logging within your application. See :ref:`logging_config`. #. Make the ``pyramid.wsgi`` script executable. .. code-block:: text $ cd ~/modwsgi/env $ chmod 755 pyramid.wsgi #. Edit your Apache configuration and add some stuff. I happened to create a file named ``/etc/apache2/other/modwsgi.conf`` on my own system while installing Apache, so this stuff went in there. .. code-block:: apache # Use only 1 Python sub-interpreter. Multiple sub-interpreters # play badly with C extensions. WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} WSGIPassAuthorization On WSGIDaemonProcess pyramid user=chrism group=staff threads=4 \ python-path=/Users/chrism/modwsgi/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages WSGIScriptAlias /myapp /Users/chrism/modwsgi/env/pyramid.wsgi WSGIProcessGroup pyramid Order allow,deny Allow from all #. Restart Apache .. code-block:: text $ sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart #. Visit ``http://localhost/myapp`` in a browser. You should see the sample application rendered in your browser. :term:`mod_wsgi` has many knobs and a great variety of deployment modes. This is just one representation of how you might use it to serve up a :app:`Pyramid` application. See the `mod_wsgi configuration documentation `_ for more in-depth configuration information.